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  function apiVersion(
) external returns (string)


  function withdraw(
) external returns (uint256)


  function token(
) external returns (address)


  function strategies(
) external returns (struct StrategyParams)


  function creditAvailable(
) external returns (uint256)

View how much the Vault would increase this Strategy's borrow limit, based on its present performance (since its last report). Can be used to determine expectedReturn in your Strategy.


  function debtOutstanding(
) external returns (uint256)

View how much the Vault would like to pull back from the Strategy, based on its present performance (since its last report). Can be used to determine expectedReturn in your Strategy.


  function expectedReturn(
) external returns (uint256)

View how much the Vault expect this Strategy to return at the current block, based on its present performance (since its last report). Can be used to determine expectedReturn in your Strategy.


  function report(
) external returns (uint256)

This is the main contact point where the Strategy interacts with the Vault. It is critical that this call is handled as intended by the Strategy. Therefore, this function will be called by BaseStrategy to make sure the integration is correct.


  function revokeStrategy(
) external

This function should only be used in the scenario where the Strategy is being retired but no migration of the positions are possible, or in the extreme scenario that the Strategy needs to be put into "Emergency Exit" mode in order for it to exit as quickly as possible. The latter scenario could be for any reason that is considered "critical" that the Strategy exits its position as fast as possible, such as a sudden change in market conditions leading to losses, or an imminent failure in an external dependency.


  function governance(
) external returns (address)

View the governance address of the Vault to assert privileged functions can only be called by governance. The Strategy serves the Vault, so it is subject to governance defined by the Vault.


  function management(
) external returns (address)

View the management address of the Vault to assert privileged functions can only be called by management. The Strategy serves the Vault, so it is subject to management defined by the Vault.


  function guardian(
) external returns (address)

View the guardian address of the Vault to assert privileged functions can only be called by guardian. The Strategy serves the Vault, so it is subject to guardian defined by the Vault.