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Ledger Plugin

The plugin allows you to interact with the Yearn website directly from your Ledger Live application, and to be able to see what you sign on your device.

Every addition, deletion, and modification of a Vault should be reflected in this plugin and will require a verification by the Ledger's Team based on a new pull request on the LedgerHQ/app-plugin-yearn repository.

This guide provides an easy step by step to add a new vault.

Setup your environment

You should follow the following official ledger instructions to set up your environment:

This is a very large step that requires a full setup and the installation of a lot of packages. If you are working with Mac or Windows, you should consider a Virtual Machine to be able to test the plugin.

Then, you should clone the plugin repository.

Start coding

Here are the modifications you should do :

  • In src/yearn_plugin.h which contains a NUM_YEARN_VAULTS parameter that defines the number of vaults in the plugin mapping. You should just increment that by the number of vaults you want to add.
  • In src/main.c which contains a YEARN_VAULTS mapping with the details of all the vaults. You should add a new line with the corresponding details of the new vault. Params are, in order: [vault_address, underlying_token_symbol, vault_symbol, number_of_decimals].
    // For the address `0xbfa4d8aa6d8a379abfe7793399d3ddacc5bbecbb`, just add `0x` every 2 characters.
{{0xbf, 0xa4, 0xd8, 0xaa, 0x6d, 0x8a, 0x37, 0x9a, 0xbf, 0xe7,
0x79, 0x33, 0x99, 0xd3, 0xdd, 0xac, 0xc5, 0xbb, 0xec, 0xbb},
  • In tests/yearn/b2c.json you should add a new element in the JSON file, with the vault address in lowercase, the vault name, and an array of selectors. For V0.4.3, you should copy the selectors in the example below.
"address": "address_of_the_new_vault_in_lowercase",
"contractName": "name_of_the_vault",
"selectors": {
"0xd0e30db0": {"erc20OfInterest": [], "method": "deposit_all", "plugin": "Yearn"},
"0xb6b55f25": {"erc20OfInterest": [], "method": "deposit", "plugin": "Yearn"},
"0x6e553f65": {"erc20OfInterest": [], "method": "deposit_to", "plugin": "Yearn"},
"0x3ccfd60b": {"erc20OfInterest": [], "method": "withdraw_all", "plugin": "Yearn"},
"0x2e1a7d4d": {"erc20OfInterest": [], "method": "withdraw", "plugin": "Yearn"},
"0x00f714ce": {"erc20OfInterest": [], "method": "withdraw_to", "plugin": "Yearn"},
"0xe63697c8": {"erc20OfInterest": [], "method": "withdraw_to_with_slippage", "plugin": "Yearn"}
  • In tests/yearn/abis/ add a new file in the format address_of_the_new_vault_in_lowercase.json with the abi of the new vault in it.


As there is no change in the plugin itself, tests may not be updated.
However, this is a good practice to test the plugin. Theoretically, you should test all the selectors for both the Nano S and the Nano X. You can check the tests in tests/src/ and update the contractAddr variable in:

  • deposit_18_decimals.test.js
  • deposit_18_decimals_to.test.js
  • deposit_all.test.js
  • withdraw_18_decimals.test.js
  • withdraw_18_decimals_to.test.js
  • withdraw_18_decimals_to_slippage.test.js
  • withdraw_all.test.js

You can check the process to execute the tests here.